Choropleth map of life expectancy around the world with linechart tooltip of the evolution of life expectancy of the country over the years. Some countries are not included on the dataset (greyed out on the map).
Different buttons to see the countries with most and least life expectancy each year. The show all button makes the chart container scrollable to make it possible to see all countries. A tooltip show the exact life expectancy and also important information of social factors of the country. Bars are divided by developed and developing status.
Box plots of developing and developed countries lifes expectancy. This type of visualization is very useful to see the distribution and statistics of the life expectancy of different groups (on this case the status).
Bubble chart to visualize relations between life expectancy and different factors. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the population. 2015 data have many missing values (NaN), that's why filtering on this year somo graphs have very few bubbles.
Density plot of global life expectancy and the probability of death using a Kernel Density Stimator (KDE). The play button helps to visualize the changes over the years. Each tick on the animation after clicking it represents a year (from 2000 since the beginning to end on 2015).